I feel like I do this a lot.
I take a break from blogging and then I get myself all worked up about how I'm going to apologize to my readers for my lack of content and for being MIA. I always feel like I need to justify my absence and list off all the things I've been doing with my life, but it takes so long. Sometimes a quick summary is better, but my OCD tendencies cause me to go on and on and on... and by the end of this entry, you'll get the point. Ah, but then I'll re-read this post and think that perhaps you guys didn't even notice I was gone, or maybe you did, but it probably didn't mean as much to you as it meant to me. Either way, I hope you still love me and continue to follow my journey, and continue reading this.
As most of you know, back in June, I (finally!) finished writing and then self-published the book I've been talking about forever. I titled it "My Life in Little Pieces - a collection of poetry and lyrics", and the amount of love this book received was immense. I never imagined people would be so interested in reading the raw poetry and lyrics I've been writing for so long. People came from near and far to attend my book launch event, and I was so overwhelmed with the turn out! The fact that you guys care so much just means so much.
*Side Note: if you are interested in purchasing a copy of my book, you can go to www.hollyamberwolti.com and score your own autographed copy today!
So the book happened, and right around the time that my book release party was held, I found out I was pregnant, due on February 2, 2019. Another huge event in my life was taking place, and my brain was thinking every thought possible. And yes, I confess, one of my thoughts was "damn, now I can't have a drink at my book release to celebrate my accomplishment, that sucks, and also
people are totally gonna know what's up", but that didn't take away from my excitement at all. Paul and I waited a few weeks, broke the news to our family and close friends, and then when we got the good word that our little man was healthy as could be, we both signed up for Facebook again and shared the news with the world. We. Are. Going. To. Be. Parents. Those words are both frightening and beautiful at the same time. Let's call it beautifully frightening.
Work. Work, as always, has been really busy. No, that's no excuse for my lack of writing, but sometimes after staring at a computer for 40+ hours a week, the last thing I want to do is open up my laptop at home and type. A sista needs a break every now and then, ya know?
Moving. Last month we moved out of our cute little lake bungalow into a much bigger place a couple towns over. Finally, a house with two bathrooms where I won't have to make Paul turn the TV on loud every time my stomach acts up. TMI? Nah, this is MY blog and if y'all can't handle that a girl poops too, then go read ESPN or something. Anyway, the whole moving process takes up a lot of energy, and as you know, I stress over every little detail and I can never just go with the flow. But thankfully, I had my parents, sister and bro-in-law, friends, and my strong as an ox boyfriend to do all the heavy lifting. Plus, I'm pregnant and it's a perfect excuse to stand back and watch the guys do everything, amIright? Just kidding, I did as much as I could, plus all the decorating, and it's still a work in progress, but we are getting there! I just can't wait to get my hands on the nursery and prepare for what will be the little man's sanctuary. I am already daydreaming about snuggling our perfect little scrunchy angel. I am counting down the days until I can kiss his little cheeks!

Side work/more writing. Other clients have been taking up a lot of my time as well. I know when I started this blog, I promised myself that I would never let paying clients take precedence over my own space because without this blog, people wouldn't have found me, and I would have never been hired for other writing jobs. Aside from the other writing jobs I've taken on over the years, I am now the young female voice of
www.Undercoverwear.com, writing about female issues and news. Although it's so fun writing in other places, and being able to share my thoughts on so many topics, The Cat'z Meow will always come first in my heart -- but I'm not on a deadline here, and I am with other websites and blogs, so sometimes I have to do what's best for my wallet. You'd do the same, right?
*To read full versions and more posts like the ones below, click here
So, as you have now read, all of the above has led me to today, in this moment, writing this blog post. Between the exhaustion of being pregnant, the dreaded 1.5 hour commute each way to work and home, and the fact that I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going have my newborn baby co-habitate with a vicious cat who secretly wants to kill every human possible, I feel really lucky to be in this place - right here, right now. I'm very fortunate to have readers who care about my simple yet silly life, and I'm so appreciative of the love and support you've shown me in regards to my first book, and I am loving every minute of the journey towards motherhood. And, I really truly mean it when I say I love
I promise I won't go so long in between posts again. (Until the baby is born and I may need you to check in on me from time to time to make sure I haven't checked myself into a mental facility. Kidding...but not really.)
Love to love you guys,