Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year, New Me

Each year is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, excitements and fears. Because what fun would life be, after all, if we all rode the same path, never took chances, and never made mistakes? It might make for a safe life, but safe isn’t always the right choice.
Learning more and more about yourself as the years pass is a beautiful way to stay connected to what you truly want for yourself.  And concluding that what you want for yourself is a remarkable and awakening thing. So with that being said, I’ve made a list of (some) of my resolutions as I wave goodbye to 2015 and welcome 2016 with open arms. Here goes….

  1. Learn to love myself more.  Each year I say this.  Hell, I even have it tattooed on my foot.  But sometimes I lose sight of why I got it permanently placed into my skin in the first place.  I need to remember to take care of Number 1 before I can take care of anyone else.
  2. Work on my mind-body connection. Several doctors, therapists, and yoga instructors have commented on the intensity of my mind-body connection.  When my mind is going through something stressful, it manifests somewhere in my body, wreaking havoc on places like my stomach, my head, my back. This needs to stop, and only I can work on helping that connection by spending more time alone, listening to my mind, and bringing more peace into my life.
  3. Learn how to fall asleep thinking positive thoughts.  Sometimes when I lay in bed at night, my mind races and crazy thoughts dance through my mind making it hard to fall asleep. So when I feel this happening I try to stop. I pray to my nine angels and ask them to help me fall asleep. That, and the occasional sleeping pill usually does the trick ;)  I need to continue working on this.
  4. Write more.  I feel like I’ve been slacking on my own personal writing because I’ve been caught up with work and writing for my blog clients. Personal writing keeps me sane, and I really don’t want to go insane.
  5. GET MORE ORGANIZED. I am quite possibly the most disorganized person in the free world, besides at work.  At home, in my car, anywhere else, it’s safe to say I can’t find anything and will spend a good hour looking for my black bra until I’m crying telling my boyfriend that we ARE NOT LEAVING THIS HOUSE UNTIL I FIND IT. Then I find it under my bed and smile, go to put some chapstick on, and then it begins again… WE ARE NOT LEAVING UNTIL I FIND THIS CHAPSTICK…. Sounds fun, wanna live with us??
  6. Spend more time with Nala.  She needs me as much as I need her.   So instead of a typical Saturday night out, maybe I’ll spend more Saturday nights in with her.  Get a cat they said, it will be fun they said….
  7. Cherish family. My family. Your family.  My boyfriend’s family.  My best friend’s family.  Get closer to them. Learn their stories.  Let them leave marks on my heart so permanent that should they leave their life on this earth, I’ll always have a connection nothing can break.
  8. Get healthier! Less sugar, carbs, alcohol.  More greens, clean foods, less heavy beers.  I mean let’s face it, I’m still going to enjoy fun foods and drinks sometimes, I am just saying less is best. More time at the gym, less time complaining about traffic. More face creams and cleaners, less nights falling asleep with a face full of makeup.  I’m almost 29, people… the wrinkles are starting…
  9. TRAVEL. I want to travel to new cities.  Maybe I will start a jar of cities I want to visit and once or twice a year, pick from that jar and make it my goal to save money and get our bums there. You never know you’re going to meet when you’re in a new place. New friends are so fun!
  10. Stop trying to change people.  This is a tough one, guys.  I have to learn that people will only change when and if they want to.  And, if they want to change something to make you feel better and make your life better, then it’s time to be grateful.  If they don’t, it’s time to accept that and move on.
  11. Start to care less about what other people think of me. No matter who you are -- girl, boy, model, homeless, beautiful, ugly, skinny, fat, you care what people think, and if you tell me you don’t, you’re lying. Everyone cares. Everyone gets insecure. But what I’m trying to do, and this is probably the most important resolution on this list, is to not care as much what people think.  What I do is my business and if I’m not directly affecting you, then you need to back off, go home, look in the mirror, and do exactly what I’m trying to do.  Care less.  You were born an original, so let that shine.
  12. Control my temper.  Sometimes I fly off the handle and immediately regret it. SO temper, you’re getting thrown into the trash with the beer cans and new year’s eve confetti this year. See ya never!
  13. Continue this list. The possibilities are endless, and I hope you have some of your own resolutions, too!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a beautifully happy, healthy, and safe New Year with minimal hangovers and lots of eye cream and vitamins for the morning after. :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

Fragile Girl

They say she’s too outspoken,
Other days too shy
They tell her she’s not perfect,
And to stop the fight to try.
They love her face
They hate her back
She keeps it calm
Then she attacks.
She’s a complicated girl
In a big bewildered world.
She has a heart of gold
The softest skin
Long blonde hair
A gentle grin.
She tries too hard for everyone
For everything she sees
She fixes all their broken wounds
While hers just bleed and bleed.
She’s a different kind of girl
In a big bewildered world.
She prays at night when she lays down
Nine different angels hear her sound,
“Please protect my family, bless all my friends,
and only if you have the time, God,
Please love me in the end.”
She’s a giver and a selfless girl
In a big bewildered world.
She comes off tough
She comes off loud
She comes off confident
Way too proud
And when she cries
They run away
Can’t bear to see a fighter
Crumble down to clay
She’s a mystery of a girl
In a big bewildered world.

So next time that you see her,
Remember who she is
She’s hiding things you’ll never know
She’s just a person, still a kid
So before you’re quick to judge her
Because you think she’s judging you,
Take a step back and remember
We’re all wishing on that same big moon.
She’s trying her best to do what she can
She gives and gives and has demands.
She’s just a fragile girl
In a convoluted world.

-Holly A. Wolti, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Holiday Love!

I hope you all have a very happy, safe, and healthy holiday! I'm super excited to spend time with family and friends -- I have already been filling my days with as much Christmas cheer possible!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday Confessions

I confess… some days I open my Blogger account to start a fresh new post, and my mind literally goes blank – as white as the new document begging for words, even letters. So, when I can’t write, I read.  I read books at night (sometimes if I’m really into a novel and so engulfed with the story line, I find myself thinking about the characters throughout the day as if we’re friends. Like, I wonder what Dex and Rachel are doing tonight and if Darcy is happier with her life now… credit Emily Giffin for her characters coming to life and credit my sad life for thinking I’m actually friends with make-believe people… whatever.) 

I also read other people’s blogs, of course. Gotta recognize the other courageous, hard-working, open-diary-of your life bloggers out there too! And so, as such, I decided to get caught up with my (real life) friend MacKenzie’s blog. This girl is a true inspiration, and she and I go way back to the days when I used to sneak her into bars, to the days of watching her strength shine brighter than the sunlight glowing over her sister, my friend Ashley’s casket in the cemetery and handling the loss of her other sister with such grace. I’m telling you, MacKenzie is one tough cookie, and her blog inspires me to be a better person and to not take anything for granted. Check her story out here: www.breatheeasywithme.blogspot.com :)
SO, she, and other bloggers around have been doing this cool new thing where they pick a day of the week and write a few confessions, you know, to share a little bit more personal stuff to their reading world. Well, now it’s my turn, so -
I confess… I love watching people get their morning coffees, and sometimes I start to imagine what their story might be. Sometimes I imagine that they are rich with indoor pools and maids and then I get really jealous over a completely made up story.
I confess… that Christmas is 8 days away and I haven’t finished shopping or wrapping. My wrapping skills are a joke. If you see a present that looks like a hamster wrapped it, it’s from me! You’re welcome!
I confess… that I am so excited that my sister and brother in law arrived for the holidays last night. Life is just better when they are here with me.
I confess… that I hate being the last one to go to sleep.  I always try really hard to close my eyes and fall asleep before Paul does.  I like knowing he’s still awake to protect me in case the intruders come in and try to steal Nala and me.
I confess...  that I love pumpkin beer but detest pumpkin coffee. I wish I liked it so I could post cool basic-girl photos with Uggs and flannels and captions that scream hashtag pumpkineverythingforlife!
I confess…  that I have a total girl crush on Kourtney Kardashian. Girl is on fire. And I don’t care what you say, keep your Kardashian hating comments away. #byefelicia
I confess…  I have no idea what #byefelicia means.
I confess... my biggest fears are drowning and clusters.  If I were to drown in an entire sea of marbles I think I would go from a heart attack first.
I confess…  that I’ve never loved anything, or anyone so much as the people in my life right now. To my family, best friends, Paul, and Nala – thanks for dealing with my crazies on a daily basis. 
What are your confessions??

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Holly's Holiday List!

With it being the holiday season and all, I figured I’d give my readers a sneak peak into my tiny corner of the world, aka my apartment and closet!  I’ve had lots of inquiries on different products I use to keep my hair looking and smelling fresh (when I don’t feel like washing it for 4 days… come on you know you don’t wash your hair every day either), what eye makeup I use and how it stays on all day, and just some other little answers, tips, and tricks to keep you feeling gorg through the holidays!
Also, for my beloved readers who I know will be purchasing gifts for me in the next couple months Christmas, Valentine’s Day, my birthday… (wink wink Paul, Jacy, Mom hope you’re reading this!), I’ve also listed some of my favorite items I’m running out of that I would love to have restocked or that I've seen fell in love with!
Love you all! Xo

What's on your holiday list??