Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday Confessions

I confess… some days I open my Blogger account to start a fresh new post, and my mind literally goes blank – as white as the new document begging for words, even letters. So, when I can’t write, I read.  I read books at night (sometimes if I’m really into a novel and so engulfed with the story line, I find myself thinking about the characters throughout the day as if we’re friends. Like, I wonder what Dex and Rachel are doing tonight and if Darcy is happier with her life now… credit Emily Giffin for her characters coming to life and credit my sad life for thinking I’m actually friends with make-believe people… whatever.) 

I also read other people’s blogs, of course. Gotta recognize the other courageous, hard-working, open-diary-of your life bloggers out there too! And so, as such, I decided to get caught up with my (real life) friend MacKenzie’s blog. This girl is a true inspiration, and she and I go way back to the days when I used to sneak her into bars, to the days of watching her strength shine brighter than the sunlight glowing over her sister, my friend Ashley’s casket in the cemetery and handling the loss of her other sister with such grace. I’m telling you, MacKenzie is one tough cookie, and her blog inspires me to be a better person and to not take anything for granted. Check her story out here: :)
SO, she, and other bloggers around have been doing this cool new thing where they pick a day of the week and write a few confessions, you know, to share a little bit more personal stuff to their reading world. Well, now it’s my turn, so -
I confess… I love watching people get their morning coffees, and sometimes I start to imagine what their story might be. Sometimes I imagine that they are rich with indoor pools and maids and then I get really jealous over a completely made up story.
I confess… that Christmas is 8 days away and I haven’t finished shopping or wrapping. My wrapping skills are a joke. If you see a present that looks like a hamster wrapped it, it’s from me! You’re welcome!
I confess… that I am so excited that my sister and brother in law arrived for the holidays last night. Life is just better when they are here with me.
I confess… that I hate being the last one to go to sleep.  I always try really hard to close my eyes and fall asleep before Paul does.  I like knowing he’s still awake to protect me in case the intruders come in and try to steal Nala and me.
I confess...  that I love pumpkin beer but detest pumpkin coffee. I wish I liked it so I could post cool basic-girl photos with Uggs and flannels and captions that scream hashtag pumpkineverythingforlife!
I confess…  that I have a total girl crush on Kourtney Kardashian. Girl is on fire. And I don’t care what you say, keep your Kardashian hating comments away. #byefelicia
I confess…  I have no idea what #byefelicia means.
I confess... my biggest fears are drowning and clusters.  If I were to drown in an entire sea of marbles I think I would go from a heart attack first.
I confess…  that I’ve never loved anything, or anyone so much as the people in my life right now. To my family, best friends, Paul, and Nala – thanks for dealing with my crazies on a daily basis. 
What are your confessions??