As I'm sure you've gathered from its respective title, this festive function takes place the night before Christmas Eve, once my aunt and uncle are settled in from their flight from SC, and once Jacy and Mike are settled in from their flight from Nashville. This night is quite honestly my favorite of the holiday season. Everyone is in cheery and joyful moods, we are all toasting to the days ahead, and everyone is talking about what has changed since last year and what will, thankfully, always stay the same. Many inside jokes are replayed, and new ones are made. I usually have too much to drink and pray to Jesus to help a sister out and let this one slide, no one likes waking up on Christmas Eve with a hangover.
Sometimes we go to a restaurant, sometimes we convene at my parents' house, but no matter where we are, we are all laughing. My mom and Aunt will have their girl talk time. My Dad, Uncle, and I will talk about my recent success at work and have a chuckle about how much beer I can drink for a small girl. Jacy will talk about how she is seriously living the dream (you go girl!), and Paul and Mike will discuss what's been happening on the latest episodes of their mutually loved TV series. The night will finish with tight hugs and bubbling conversation about what we are doing the next day, what time the annual Christmas Eve Party at my godmother's house starts, and who is riding with who. Then, we all go home and fall asleep with visions of sugarplums dancing in our heads. Okay maybe that last part is stretching it a bit, but I know I always fall asleep with an eagerness for the next few days, albeit with a small knot in my stomach realizing that Christmas is already here and how fast time really freaking flies. Then, I wake up, and it all begins again. These are the constants. Thank God for the constants.
Here's an oldie but a goodie, I love these people. |
What are YOUR favorite holiday traditions?