Friday, December 15, 2017

BLOGMAS DAY 5 - Dear Santa


I haven't written to you in a while, in fact it's been decades.  I used to stay up late practicing what I would write, and then I'd finally get it all on paper, seal it up, and send it off to the North Pole.  I was so excited.  I remember those letters you sent back to me. I would bring them into school to show all my friends, and we would read them over and over again with wide eyes, declaring that you must be real because how else would you know the names of my three goldfish and the fact that I loved soccer?  You were just that good.  (P.S. Thanks Mom and Dad for the help with that, wink wink)

Well, here I am again, two months shy of 31 years old, and I still have a few things to ask of you.  Although my list may be full of less tangible things than in years past, I still have some wishes.  I've been a pretty good person over the course of my life, trying to always put others first, and I hate to sound so blunt, but I think some of the things on my wishlist are damn well deserved by now. 

First, I know it sounds cliche at best, but I really would love some more wide spread peace.  I am so sick of kids being bullied, I'm sick of hearing about North Korea, I'm tired of hearing so much negativity, and I've had enough with worrying what people are saying.  It would be nice if we could all just get the F along.  Oh right, Santa, that's another thing, I swear a lot more now - a little different from when I was 10, but life is stressful, ya know?

Next, I would really love a chance to meet some of the people who inspire me the most.  A chance to have a real life conversation with Jewel, Taylor Swift, Anna Nalick, Fiona Apple, Ashlee Simpson, Emily Giffin, or any of the other girl-power bosses who inspire me to write every day would be just phenomenal.  I feel like they deserve a hug and a huge acknowledgment of appreciation from me.  

Third, I would really enjoy a few trips to NYC where I can sit in a coffee shop, open my Mac, and let my creative juices spill out.  Something about big cities just makes me feel a certain type of way.  So can you please just tell my bosses that I need X amount of time off?

Fourth, I would love it if you could give Nala the gift of endless life.  Or at least keep her alive for the rest of my life, she's my best little friend, and I never want to live a day without her (it would also be really cool if she could talk, so if you could throw that bonus in, I wouldn't hate it).

Fifth, I really want my family to be together more often.  If you could find a way for us all to live together in perfect harmony, that would be splendid.

Last, but not least, I really want to get married in a field, barefoot and wearing a green flower crown and a white sundress, to have two perfect little kids in a quaint little town, then to move to a big penthouse apartment, write a NY Times best selling book, to be healthy, happy, and skinny forever, to be rich in my career, in love, and in money, to have both a vacation lake house and beach house, to write a number 1 song, to never have any more gray hairs, to always have perfect eyebrows, and to be able to take care of everyone I love for the rest of their lives.  That's not asking too much, now is it?

Thanks, Santa.  I know you've got this all covered.  You da man.

With love,